Thursday, 3 September 2015

On the refugees and your facebook friend

I've been dusting off the pen and pad recently, scribbling a few words and occasional tune but wasn't really sure where to stick the results in a more shareable form than just facebook. This seems worth a try.

Contains swears, don't read it if you don't like them. Peace out.

On the refugees and your facebook friend
If you find my position on you turning your back offensive
On you saying it’s not your problem, 
On you saying the politicians need to do more,
On you worrying that a part of your comfort might crumble,
On seeing your dumb as fuck posts on facebook,
Then ponder upon this.
You would turn your back on desperate people
Fleeing mustard gas and gunmen and their homes
With little but their lives perhaps, and sometimes not even all of that
And rarely with all their dignity intact
And sometimes without even their children intact
As a matter of fact, I have no idea how that must feel
I can’t begin to imagine
How that must feel.
And they come here running, scared and scarred and potless and pleading and you worry that some of your comfort might become just a little less comfy.
And that absolutely fucking amazes me.
That you would judge these people should suffer due to the place they emerged from their mother?
Really? The place where their mother lay down and gave birth should determine just how much their lives are worth?
Did I get that right? How the fuck can you sleep at night, in fact fuck that, how the fuck can you tie your own shoes with such an obvious lack of a brain to use?
You have all this, and they have just that, and you think that’s fine.
You think “That’s theirs, this is mine”.
If you find my views on you and how you view that offensive,
Then you haven’t begun to see how I see you
And this is not me asking for repentance
This is me saying my opinion of you can’t fit into sentences
My contempt for you can’t really be tamed
Or very well explained
Using just words and rhythms. I need something for hitting
Over and over again
Cos when
Shove comes to push
and Push comes to shove
And there’s no more love
then, only and especially then,
the sword is mightier than the fucking pen.