Thursday, 26 July 2012

And the Stamp Duty

Thank you to Caroline P for pointing out that someone who does even less than estate agents, the Taxman, will get the most of all due to the Stamp Duty. I am leaving him off the previous list as this does not qualify as "someone who helped...". 

As an aside, I did have the option of halving the stamp duty by using an "aggressive tax avoidance" method that apparently is fully legal. I have to admit that the idea is tempting, but where would society be if we only paid the taxes that we felt were fair? 

I reserve a special level of contempt for those who duck out of their financial commitment to society, so we will pay the full whack and remain poor but self-righteously smug. This means that I can still shout at the telly when tax dodging millionaires* appear on it, explaining how the only way out of this financial mess is to make the most vulnerable in society pay back all the money that the rich people took.

* - I have absolutely nothing against the other kind of rich people - the kind who do pay their taxes. JK Rowling and James Dyson spring to mind.

1 comment:

  1. Actually I agree with you on tax. When I sold my London flat I had to argue with the accountant that it was not my primary home for the purposes of tax.
